Saturday, December 26, 2009


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Sebelum kita bercerita tentang PERMATA SURI (CNI) ..seeloknya kita tahu serba sedikit tentang Menstruation dan kesannya terhadap diri seseorg wanita...dan bagaimanakah cara terbaik untuk menangani PMS melalui artikel berikut:

The Secrets Our Body Clocks Reveal

These shifts are tendencies that are not experienced by every woman every month. The intensity of the changes also varies from woman to woman and from month to month for each woman.

The Four Phases of Menstruation The menstrual cycle, like the moon, has four phases. Here we describe briefly some of the major events of each phase during an average 29.5-day cycle, which, by the way, is also the length of the lunar cycle!

Phase 1: Menstruation (Days 1 5)

  • Estrogen and progesterone reach their monthly lows, causing the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to shed.
  • Bleeding begins and may last from two to eight days.
  • Selected egg follicles deep within the ovaries double in size.
  • Toward the end of this phase, estrogen levels begin to rise.

    * Mood: Tension of the premenstrual phase (see Phase 4) may go away, but feelings of depression may linger until estrogen levels begin to rise.

Phase 2: Preovulatory (Days 6 14)

  • Estrogen continues to rise, reaching peak on day twelve or thirteen.
  • Developing follicles move toward the surface of the ovary.
  • The endometrium begins to thicken.
  • Glands in the cervix create more mucus; during this phase, the mucus becomes thinner and more elastic to make it easier for sperm to enter the uterus.

    * Mood: Feelings of self-confidence predominate.

Phase 3: Ovulation (Day 14)

  • Estrogen levels drop precipitously.
  • Immediately after the drop in estrogen, one of the follicles ruptures and releases its egg.
  • A sharp, cramplike pain called mittelschmerz (middle pain) may be felt as the egg is released; sometimes bleeding occurs.
  • The cervix moves to a position high in the vaginal cavity; the opening to the cervix widens.

    * Mood: Positive feelings peak. *The moods described represent general tendencies; they are not experienced by all women.

Phase 4: Premenstrual (Days 15 29)

  • Within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after ovulation, body temperature rises about one-half to one degree and stays there for several days.
  • Cervical mucus becomes thicker and pastier.
  • The empty follicle (called a corpus luteum) stops secreting estrogen and begins to secrete progesterone, which reaches its highest levels around day twenty-two.
  • The progesterone causes the cells of the uterine lining to secrete protein-rich substances to nourish the released egg.
  • Breasts may swell and become tender.
  • Endometrium becomes thicker.

    * Mood: Feelings of anxiety, irritability, helplessness, and depression build.


  • try to avoid sugary junk foods, since your body is more likely at this time of the month to overreact to the sugar and clear too much of it from the blood. The result: low blood sugar and physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and shakiness.
  • Increase the amount of water you drink. Water is an excellent diuretic and will help rid your body of excess fluid.
  • Avoid caffeine. Like alcohol, caffeine can aggravate many of the emotional symptoms of PMS. Be aware that caffeine is found in chocolate, soft drinks, and many over-the-counter medications, as well as in tea and coffee.
  • Take selected vitamins. Some women find daily dosages of calcium (500 mg), magnesium (250 mg), and vitamin B6 (less than 250 mg) helpful in reducing the emotional symptoms of PMS, such as depression, irritability, and anxiety. A caveat: Always take B6 as part of a B-complex vitamin, because too much of one B vitamin can cause a depletion in the body of the others.

The Secrets Our Body Clocks Reveal ; Copyright © 1988 by Susan Perry and Jim Dawson, All Rights Reserved

*Bersesuaian dengan saranan Susan Perry and Jim Dawson di dalam artikel mereka..

"Permata Suri ialah satu produk yang ditingkatkan kualitinya untuk membantu kaum hawa untuk mengekalkan kesihatan and mencari kepuasan hidup, kejelitaan dan kecergasan terutamanya dalam kehidupan rumahtangga. Ia diperbuat daripada herbs dan diperkayakan dengan Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, iron dan calcium. Ia juga sesuai bagi kaum wanita yang sering menghadapi masalah Pre-menstrual syndrom, PMS (masalah sebelum haid), senggugut, keletihan dan sebagainya. Permata Suri membekalkan tenaga dan nutrien bagi wanita untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih sihat dan bahagia. "


  • Mempertingkatkan keintiman seksual
  • Mengurangkan masalah fisiologi wanita seperti sakit haid dan keputihan
  • Menegangkan otot terutamanya di kemaluan, perut dan payudara.
  • Maklumat tambahan:

  • Untuk mendapatkan kesan yang lebih baik dan cepat, elakkan daripada mengadakan hubungan kelamin semasa 3 hari pertama pengambilan
  • Banyakkan minum air sepanjang pengambilan produk ini
  • Simpan di peti sejuk selepas dibuka


  • 330ml x 1 botol
ia sesuai di ambil oleh wanita yg telah berumahtangga atau masih bujang..dan tidak sesuai di ambil oleh mereka yg sedang hamil dan kedatangan haid...

" Saya mmg mengesyorkan kpd semua perempuan di luar sana agar menyimpan sebotol PERMATA SURI di dalam peti sejuk masing-masing...Mengapa?? Kerana saya juga seorg perempuan..saya juga tidak lepas daripada mengalami simptom-simptom PMS (sakit kepala; fatigue; moody dll)..keadaan ini akan berlaku setiap bulan...ia bukan sahaja memberi kesan kepada diri sendiri dan kerja..tetapi ia juga memberi kesan yg tidak baik kepada mereka-mereka di sekeliling saya...tapi..selepas mengamalkan Permata Suri..alhamdulillah..simptom-simptom tersebut berkurangan..dan saya dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan lebih tenang..syukur alhamdulillah" Cik Wada,30 Kedah...

1 comment:

  1. Sekiranya memerlukan PERMATA SURI bolehlah whatsapp saya 0125968878 (edda)
